Calitop PopUp and clothes line
The Calitop PopUp improves the ventilation of the roof. Thus the side panels act as an awning for the pop up roof.
The Calitop PopUp can be used independently of the existing keder screws in the awning (keder) rail.
One Calitop PopUp without hooks and clothesline
Damage to the awning (keder) rail is improbable due to the plastic lids and large contact face.

Set of two with four screw hooks and nuts + 6 m clothes line.
2er Set mit 4 Schraubhaken und Feststellmuttern + 6 m Spannleine für den 2-Leinen-Modus.
Im "4-Leinen-Diagonal-Modus" muss der Abstand der Aufsteller entsprechend verringert werden.

2er Set mit 3 m Leine. Diese Konfiguration empfehlen wir für die rechte Seite.

Wenn dein Cali eine Markise hat, ist der Markisenadapter für hinten erforderlich.

Installation note:
If the hooks face the wrong way e.g. upwards instead of inwards, remove the Calitop PopUp and turn it as much as needed.
As the screw is square headed, the right position will always be achieved.
The hook faces the front instead of the back (below).

Just remove, turn by 180° and mount again.